The Final Awakening Of The Natural State Of My Mind

Ivan Figueroa
3 min readJul 1, 2021


After a long journey to find joy and meaning in my life and when I felt further striving was fruitless, I met my Teacher, who in an instant mind to mind connection as our foreheads joined in a karmic embrace, revealed to me the luminous nature of my mind. As I joined his mindstream, I was overflowed with an emptiness that drained all the futile questions that overfilled my glass and had stopped my ability to learn. This state of spontaneous realization, which I have never been able to describe with words, I can only cherish in my heart.

In remembrance of the meaning of that experience, I wrote this poem.

The Universe in My Teachers Eyes

In my reflection in his eyes,

I discovered the starry splendor of a universe overflowing with tides of unending love,

Dispelling the frightening shadows my guilt had sown in my heart – the fear of allowing love to return home.

Seeing myself in the mirror of his eyes

Rekindled the innocence and illusion that love has always existed in every part of creation,

Similar to how the sparkling brilliance of a diamond has laid dormant in the harshness of a lump of coal.

Seeing myself in the mirror of his eyes,

I discovered the human qualities of understanding, compassion, and patience hidden as love lessons within the experiences of our suffering.

Qualities that allowed me to polish the roughness of the piece of coal entrusted to me into the indestructible diamond of my immortal Spirit.

That is why the love discovered in the vast universe of his eyes will never cease.

Since its source in the oasis of my eyes will unceasingly quench the thirst for the love of others that share my journey.

The Final Awakening Of The Natural State Of My Mind

After a long journey to find joy and meaning in my life and when I felt further striving was fruitless, I met my Teacher, who in an instant mind to mind connection as our foreheads joined in a karmic embrace, revealed to me the luminous nature of my mind. As I joined his mindstream, I was overflowed with an emptiness that drained all the futile questions that overfilled my glass and had stopped my ability to learn. This state of spontaneous realization, which I have never been able to describe with words, I can only cherish in my heart.

In remembrance of the meaning of that experience, I wrote this poem.

The Universe in My Teachers Eyes

In my reflection in his eyes,

I discovered the starry splendor of a universe overflowing with tides of unending love,

Dispelling the frightening shadows my guilt had sown in my heart – the fear of allowing love to return home.

Seeing myself in the mirror of his eyes

Rekindled the innocence and illusion that love has always existed in every part of creation,

Similar to how the sparkling brilliance of a diamond has laid dormant in the harshness of a lump of coal.

Seeing myself in the mirror of his eyes,

I discovered the human qualities of understanding, compassion, and patience hidden as love lessons within the experiences of our suffering.

Qualities that allowed me to polish the roughness of the piece of coal entrusted to me into the indestructible diamond of my immortal Spirit.

That is why the love discovered in the vast universe of his eyes will never cease.

Since its source in the oasis of my eyes will unceasingly quench the thirst for the love of others that share my journey.



Ivan Figueroa

Retired Pediatric Surgeon doing integrative medical care, acupuncture. Author of best selling Spirituality Trilogy of School of Life Series