Ruminations on The Garden of Eden

Understanding the Disobedience of Man and the Origin of Compassion in God’s Heart by the Birth of his Son, Jesus.

Ivan Figueroa
9 min readDec 20, 2018


The Conundrum of Original Sin

Without going too deep into the theological intricacies of its meaning, I will focus my discussion into the disobedience aspects, and my speculative interpretation of its origin and the results.

There are three questions I will like to address in this essay to attempt to deliver my interpretation of the original sin conundrum. Did the Adam and Eve prototype have free will and intelligence? Why was the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil harvested, if it was not to be eaten? What was the meaning of the Three of Life?

Did Adam and Eve have free will in the Garden of Eden?

The Bible affirms they lived in innocence and God dictated what the rules of engagement were between them and the occupants of the Garden. Among these rules was the one that specified that they could partake from every fruit including from the Fruit of Life, but not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This seems to suggest a limited co-dependent relationship with the creator since the choice was made by God, limiting the confidence of God in Adam and Eve. This brings me to question the purpose and wisdom of God of having the fruit of knowledge in the Garden if only it served for decorative usefulness.

Questions That We Have to Consider in Understanding the Real Role of Adam and Eve in Creation.

Was God giving Adam the opportunity to mature “mentally” before he had the capability to handle the responsibility to savor the flavor of real free will? Was the human prototype ready mentally with the intelligence needed to take charge of the created Universe? Why did God need Adam to name or organize its creation? Was the creation a gradual orderly directed process as described in the Bible or was it more of like a spontaneous archetypal explosive process as described scientifically by the Big Bang, or philosophically as described by Plato, Buddha and Jung? in which the creator and its creation are discovered by the consciousness of each other’s reflection. Was the purpose of Adam naming the created, like finding order within the chaos of entropy? Was the act of creation more of a learning process of discovering by trial and error the best prototypes for the survival of life and consciousness like the natural selection of the evolutionary process?

To understand the explanations, I will attempt to give to these questions, you should read my article about the evolutive process of consciousness within a multidimensional universe.

My interpretation of the experience described in the Garden of Eden, is that it was one of many dimensional stages where the awareness of duality and time as interpreted by the consciousness of man, was developing the mind from the pure energetic dimensions of anti-matter to the more densely functioning biologic matter of the human tridimensional experience, we call Brain.

This discovery process of learning, symbolically given to man as the naming of the parts of creation which started in the Garden of Eden, began when Eve (the creative yin principle) convinced Adam (the facilitative yang principle) to lend her the necessary energy to reproduce themselves into a self-generating organism that would inherently sustain both creative principles (Yin-Yang). Thus, for the first time in the evolutionary process of consciousness, the continuum of memory and time appeared and was recorded in what later will be known as our DNA code.

This complex process of education by trial and error, developed the need for a progressive more complex “mind” like computer to be able to record intelligently this learning experience. This evolutionary process of the Brain and nervous system that initially occurred in the animal realm, first evolved from the reptilian primitive instinctive brain, to the mammalian socially adapted one, and finally to the Cortical rational and intelligent Brain, that we as humans have acquired.

Was God giving Adam the opportunity to mature “mentally” before he had the capability to handle the responsibility to savor the flavor of real free will?

In my understanding, the answer to this question, is yes, the Garden of Eden was a transition stage to be ready to eat from the tree of Knowledge, but perhaps the problem arose when Adam and Eve took a false jump start in the race of life!

Was the human prototype ready mentally with the intelligence necessary to take charge of the created Universe?

From my perspective, the answer to this one is no! Adam and Eve had an incipient instinctive like brain that easily “copied” the symbolic reptilian temptation on the tree of knowledge. This unknowingly disobedient act initiated the learning experience of living the consequences of the use of free will, that started the human multidimensional journey of learning by trial and error or the law of cause and effect.

Why did God need Adam to name or organize its creation? Was the purpose of Adam naming the created, like finding order within the chaos of entropy? Was the creation a gradual orderly directed process as described in the Bible or was it more of like a spontaneous archetypal explosive process as described scientifically by the Big Bang, or philosophically as described by Plato, Buddha and Jung in which the creator and its creation are discovered by the consciousness of each other’s reflection?

The Mind, like a mirror without an image to reflect, could not have awareness of its creative potential until after the big bang, it saw its light reflected upon the silence of its darkness. The resulting reflection in its mind for the first time allowed it to awaken it from its dream like state and perceive the duality of light and sound in its consciousness. Amazingly, in that instant, the beginning of time and the universe had been born!

From which the creator and its creation had emerged simultaneously from a timeless common origin from which consciousness and time emerge as the continuum of each other, as reflecting images on the surfaces of infinite mirrors reflecting upon each other. With this I imply that is through the mind and eyes of its human prototype, Adam, that the creator discovers its creation and therefore will learn from the process of naming it! The naming or organizing of this entropic chaotic universe is the gargantuan task that Adam is entrusted with after eating from the tree of knowledge.

Was the act of creation more of a learning process of discovering by trial and error the best prototypes for the survival of life and consciousness like it occurs in the natural selection of the evolutionary process?

Yes, I believe, the creative process had a dual nature where the imaginative (creativeness) aspect prepared all the possible options and the discovery (learning) aspect chose the best options understood by trial and error. This was all achieved by using the natural selection of the evolutionary process. So, we must conclude that creativeness, discovery, learning and evolution will always go hand in hand in the multidimensional scheme of creation.

The Conundrum: Original Sin, Free Will and Disobedience

Traditionally the Original Sin has been interpreted as the act of disobedience of Adam and Eve partaking of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, yet the scriptures specified that Adam was in a state of innocence prior to deciding to eat of the forbidden fruit. Then we must ask ourselves, how could Adam be responsible for his act of disobedience if he acted in innocence? How could he have named the animals if he still didn’t have the awareness of his actions based on the law of free will that originates his responsibility for the consequences of his actions? How could he have known the consequences of his actions without experimenting the results of them? We must be aware that even the process of domesticating animals is accomplished by the animal “learning” the negative consequences of its actions! So how could Adam and Eve without learning the consequences of their decision be guided to be obedient without the results of their decision?

Is Free Will free?

Although our religious and political philosophy emphasizes the “freedom” as a human right, the reality of its freedom can only be ascertained by the capability of the individual to understand the consequences of its options. Although all men constitutionally speaking are created equal, the social, economic, age, gender, genetic, racial, and educational potential of each person will determine the free will of its range of decisions and actions. Therefore, the way society and its ruling guidelines will facilitate the freedom of choice of its members will be very variable and subjective according to the above-mentioned differences. Then we must conclude that the capability of being obedient will be determined on the ability of understanding the consequences of being disobedient! Doesn’t the criminal justice system have mitigating circumstances according to the mental status and age of the criminal?

Original Sin and Disobedience

Do the scriptures agree that disobedience was the original sin? This segment from Ezekiel 28:14–15 referring to Lucifer, seems to disagree,
“You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you.” Implying that pride was the original sin in the Bible in the Angelical hierarchy, but not of created man. This must raise a very important theological question in our minds, “If pride existed in God’s most perfect Angel, did this quality exist potentially in the creator as an undiscovered potential? Couldn’t this suggest that this quality and including disobedience were also present possibly in the Adam prototype? Didn’t most human acts of rebellion arise from the need for freedom from an oppressive co-dependent relationship? Did God have absolute proprietary and copyrights over Adam, its creation?

Meaning of Original Sin

The act of disobedience to God resulted in some privileges with the appearance of “Free Will”, as Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened to choose between all the options now being discovered in creation, without the help of God to guide them in doing so. Yet, this made them aware of the consequences resulting from these actions. The opening of their eyes symbolized the development of the five physical senses and their disconnection to the ampler spiritual vision they had when living in the presence of the creator.

We could compare the experience in the Garden of Eden to the one of the fetus in the womb of the mother, that while connected to the umbilicus, had no independent functions, until at birth the disconnection occurs when the umbilicus is cut. In similarity to the birth of the son of man (biologic prototype) and the death of the son of God (Adam) that gets disconnected from the spiritual umbilicus, only having an indirect relation with the mother (creator). This initiates all the consequences of the disobedience and original sin, appearing in the tridimensional material man, birth, aging, sickness and death. Although the immortality of Adam is lost, man has acquired by sexual reproduction the capability of immortality of the biologic species in creation.

It is then by my interpretation, that that universe is then split into two disconnected multidimensional components we now know as antimatter (spiritual) and matter (material) universes, where the common language that united them both (Love) is distorted by the five physical senses of man and the loss of the spiritual ones. This is partially discussed in my previous articles, and

The Resulting Schism Between the Creator (antimatter) and its Creation (matter)

This breach of communication between both universes although affecting both consciousness, ends up affecting more the creation (man) aspect, because of the free will experience of man learning by trial and error and the negative consequences of the resulting mistakes. The initial intent of God having Adam run the creation within stipulated guidelines by direct communication, now is made more difficult by the lack of understanding of God of his creation and the ignorance of Adam’s knowledge of his origin as a creation of God! This gave origin to the infinite religious “messengers” and commandments and the innumerable disobediences the scriptures have documented against these attempts.

The Meaning of Our Christmas: The Alchemical Marriage of the Creator and its Reflection, Creation, Gives Birth to the Star of Peace, Christ, the Son of God, Which, having its Feet on the Ground and its Gaze on the Heavens, Can Only See Love in Creation.

The creator having exhausted all attempts to reestablish communication with its creation and failing to understand the motive behind this apparent disobedience, decides to involve his consciousness within the tridimensional realm of the human experience and allows the purity of his creative principle be born in the womb of a woman, reliving the human experience in all its aspects, where for the first time the a son of man was aware of its origin as son of God. This contrasting understanding of the dual nature of the creative experience gave rise to the compassionate recall of the common language of Love that resulted in the spiritualization of man and the humanization of God, that creates the new Man that can finally see the universe through the eyes of the Spirit, having its feet on the ground but its gaze on the heavens.

Happy Holidays and New Year.

Ivan Figueroa-Otero MD



Ivan Figueroa
Ivan Figueroa

Written by Ivan Figueroa

Retired Pediatric Surgeon doing integrative medical care, acupuncture. Author of best selling Spirituality Trilogy of School of Life Series

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