Jon from my experience with Tibetan Buddhism I adapted this simple heart centered meditation.
A Colorful Bath of Love
Ivan Figueroa Otero MD
Integrative Medical Care, Medical Acupuncture
Seated in a comfortable position with our back straight head held up high, lets visualize a source of spiritual strength or energy that makes us feel protected. For example, the figure of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, young-looking, smiling and standing, with open arms and beaming rays of multicolored light from the center of His heart to ours, in which a small seed exists. Let’s understand the meaning of the exercise. Jesus represents the human manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is the force of Love that God left us after his Son left. The multicolored rays represent the infinite ways in which Love can manifest among us. The seed in our heart represents the latent form in which Love dwells in man.
As those rays of light fill our heart, let us feel ourselves loved and protected by the Love of God and let’s observe how the small seed starts to open and in turn beams the multiple colors of Love in all directions. Initially, let’s imagine that those colors bathe us in love and penetrate every part of our bodies, especially those where there is a discomfort, and let’s see how the latter is soothed and healed. After we have been filled with happiness and wellness, we’re going to share this with all human beings, especially with those who have hurt us due to their ignorance of love.
Let’s visualize that multicolored rays beam from our heart towards all human beings without distinction, including those who have left this world, and those that, in our thoughts, have brought suffering to our lives. Let’s dedicate some minutes to this action and then let’s rest our mind in silence for a few more minutes. Let’s finish by giving thanks for this opportunity. Let’s do this exercise ever day upon waking and when going to sleep. Finally, to keep our mind in a peaceful state, let’s imagine that our thoughts are as clouds in the sky and that our natural peaceful state is like the blue color in the sky. Let our thoughts pass like clouds, without following them, focusing on the blueness of the sky, our natural state.