Healing the Cancer in Our Genes Chapter V Holographic Medicine
I am sharing a chapter of my unpublished book on Epigenetics to motivate readers to read and review it. The message is directed to professionals in all fields of medicine.
In this chapter, I propose a holographic vision of disease, placing the human organism within the universal hologram. We will explore how imbalances in the larger hologram affect the smaller one and vice versa. Diseases are seen as harmonizing mechanisms (alarms) intended to maintain health or equilibrium. We will discuss the timeline of these imbalances and their impact on resolution, the importance of genetic codes, and how epigenetics plays a role in developing and curing diseases. We will also delve into the holographic detoxification process and the genetic origins of cancer.
For the first time, an etymological disease model is integrated into the universal holographic model. This model describes the sequence of disharmonies within time, biology, mind, emotions, and spirituality, highlighting how actions affecting the organism have repercussions throughout the hologram (Sha & Xiu, 2023).
Understanding Holographic Health
What is a Hologram?
• Holo (sun): Whole or complete.
• Gram: To record, write, or describe.
Dr. David Bohm, a theoretical physicist, proposed a holographic theory relating mind and matter, suggesting that the universal creation can be explained by the coherent relation of its parts within the universe’s holographic nature. Quantum entanglement supports this theory, showing that particles in a quantum state respond as a group, indicating a non-physical connection between them. Key characteristics of this
model include:
• Coherence: The hologram reacts as a unit without divisions.
• Timelessness: Communication between components is instantaneous, and the whole can be reproduced from any part.
Historical Archives of the Holographic Experience (Memory)
The infinite possibilities of the universal quantum archetypes are stored in the hologram as related experiences within our timeless reality. Memories of these experiences come from infinite probabilities divided into segments of relative time, like a video recording in slow motion.
Fundamentals of the Holographic Theory of Disease (Holographic Medicine)
• Disease is understood comprehensively, unifying its causes and effects with treatment.
• Specific therapies exist for each step of the disease process.
• Disease has a timeline for manifestation and resolution.
• The healing crisis involves remembering the disease process, occurring in reverse during resolution.
• Remembering or learning from the disease can prevent its recurrence.
Holographic Health
The universal hologram focuses on the wellness of the whole organism versus its parts. It allows unpleasant processes to restore equilibrium, manifesting as symptoms that serve as alarms for necessary corrections. The healing effect prioritizes the most significant imbalances affecting the hologram’s stability.
As above it is below
• Spiritual > Mental-Emotional > Physical-Biological: Experiences, good or bad, are stored as mutations in our biological and spiritual DNA. The best adaptations facilitate evolution, while the worst slow it down.
The spiritual hologram aims to accumulate good experiences and eliminate or inactivate the bad ones within its archives. The most destabilizing instances originate in the material universe, where the most toxic programs or mutations come from. Weak coherence or awareness of the components’ interdependence manifests because of individual mental boundaries in the material holographic universe, thus promoting harmful mutations.
• The material universe’s holographic organisms need the best energy sources to maintain their integrity. The biological organism’s division in mind-body formats allows it to choose the purity of its energy source, using emotions and free will to do so. The quality of the energy source determines its harmonizing or toxic effects on the organism and DNA.
The Disease Process
Activating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Symptoms and illnesses in our holograms result from corrupt programs or mutations in our DNA, often due to toxic experiences (Remely et al, 2015; Vickers, 2014). The severity of the disease depends on the mutation’s severity, its duration in the genome, and the emotional response to symptoms. In the healing process, older alterations take longer to inactivate.
Detoxifying and Healing
Purifying our genomes by detoxifying our bodies and activating beneficial mutations is key to well-being. Continued detoxification can purify us, allowing only the best mutations to be passed on. Healing involves addressing hereditary and acquired diseases through lifestyle changes.
Hereditary vs. Acquired Diseases
• Hereditary Diseases: Passed down through genetics, influenced by lifestyle.
• Acquired Diseases: Result from dietary and emotional toxicity, with the mental component often being the most influential.
Emotional Connection
Acquired diseases often result from a combination of dietary and emotional toxicity, with the mental component often being the most influential. The most potent mental toxin that accelerates this process is guilt, which is deeply repressed in the subconscious. In the subconscious, a memory is trapped in a repetitive cycle with the historical person who experienced it (as discussed in my book, The Forgiveness Code).
The embarrassment and suffering associated with a memory drives us to suppress it, along with the person who experienced it, within our subconscious mind. This repressed part of the experience feels abandoned by the person who originally had the incident. This mentally imprisoned part then reacts against the person who left it, manifesting as symptoms (alarms) that remind them of its unconscious actions. These symptoms often include panic attacks, nightmares, guilt, depression, endocrine disorders, digestive issues, and pain.
In my acupuncture practice, we help patients locate these repressed events
within their past timeline. Using the Forgiveness Code described in my book, we assist them in freeing the repressed experience and bringing it to their present awareness.
After reprogramming their toxic lifestyles, most of these negative symptoms disappear, and individuals develop a renewed sense of hope for their lives.
The emotional symptoms addressed above represent alterations to our DNA that are easier to reverse and avoid passing on to future generations. Toxic emotions could be primordial factors in activating precancerous programs in our genomes (Stress and cancer, n.d.; Xu et al, 2022)
Timeless Healing
Detoxification starts a DNA transformation cycle proportional to the mutation’s age. Healing begins in the DNA before manifesting in the biological hologram.
Therapeutic detoxification benefits the entire hologram, ensuring balanced interdependence.
Harmonious Rhythm of DNAs
Biological DNA reflects spiritual DNA, harmonizing codes in time-space reality.
The universal hologram completes its cycle when the biological becomes more spiritual and vice versa. This process is symbolized by the quote, “As is above, so is below.” Scientific Foundations of Epigenetics
Epigenetics explains why living organisms activate some genes and silence others, influenced by external factors like lifestyle (Paparo et al, 2014; Vickers, 2014). Junk DNA, or “luminous” DNA, regulates these changes, suggesting a deeper connection between genetic expression and spiritual evolution (Soares et al, 2015).
Hidden Mysteries in Our DNA
Science classifies the universe into matter (5%) and anti-matter (95%), resonating with the proportions of coding (5%) and non-coding (95%) DNA. Recent studies show that non-coding DNA significantly modulates coding DNA functions. This luminous DNA holds pure original codes, ready to activate through epigenetics and the law of cause and effect (the Law of Love).
Two Types of Intention
• Inclusive Intention: Balances the whole hologram, activating luminous DNA codes and benefiting all components.
• Exclusive Intention: Selectively benefits some parts, creating toxic effects.
1. The universal hologram behaves as an interconnected functional unit.
2. The hologram reacts coherently and interdependently, aiming for equilibrium.
3. Biological holograms react similarly within their parts.
4. Relative time decelerates as energy becomes denser at lower levels.
5. Balancing processes take more time at biological-material levels.
6. These time-energy differences create multidimensional experiences.
7. Holograms in higher dimensions are unaware of lower dimensions.
8. Holograms in higher dimensions visit lower ones during exploratory processes.
9. These visits enhance the development of coherent, inclusive consciousness.
10. Every hologram must experience all dimensional levels for total awareness.
11. Advanced holograms help those still descending and ascending, sharing learned wisdom.
12. Bringing new information to higher levels ensures evolutionary progress.
The end of the evolutionary process is symbolized by the serpent biting its tail, forming an infinite circle between alpha and omega, reflecting the DNA’s spiral shape.
**image of serpent circle**
Review concepts of recording biological and spiritual experiences in DNA.
• Explore the relationship between the Big Bang, co-creative processes, and dreaming.
• Identify holographic concepts in your life.
• Understand the difference between coding and non-coding DNA.
Bonus Questions
1. What is the difference between biological and spiritual epigenetics?
2. What are “the sins of the fathers” that affect their children for generations?
3. Where can we find the hologram concept in holy books?